station n. 1. 站,台,车站;航空站,机场。 2.派出所;署,局,所。 3.【无线电】电台,电视台。 4. 驻地,部戍地,根据地,警备区域;基地;〔集合词〕基地全体人员。 5.停泊地;军港;〔美国〕空军兵站。 6.部位,位置,场所。 7.地位;身分;职位,岗位。 8.停留,停驻;站立(姿势)。 9.【生物学】=habitat. 10.【宗教】耶稣受难十四处之一(或其图画之一幅)。 11.【测】测点,测站,标准距离。 12.〔澳大利亚〕牧场。 13.〔美国〕邮政局;〔海关用语〕仓库。 a midway station 错车车站。 a station agent 〔美国〕(火车站)站长。 a power station 发电厂。 an atomic station 原子能发电站。 an air station 飞机场。 a broadcasting station 广播电台。 people of station 有地位的人。 station call letters 电台呼号。 station in life 【法律】身分。 station waggon 〔美国〕车站接送汽车,客货两用汽车,面包车。 take up a convenient station 占有利地位。 take up one's appointed station 各就指定岗位。 vt. 驻扎,安置,配置,设置。 station a guard at the gate 门口设置一个警卫员。
Below is an image of an " optimal " pre - signal station layout 下面是一个最佳化的预处理信号车站布局。
Research on passenger station layout problem in railway terminal under the networking of urban mass transit 城市轨道交通形成网络条件下铁路枢纽内客运站布局问题的研究
All stations will have braille maps by the end of this year . the suggestion about making more copies of the station layout will be considered 九九年底,全线各站都会装置凸字地图,而将凸字地图制成胶片的建议亦会记录在案。
And then , the interchange station layout plans and the relations between different fundamental spaces are discussed , a series of guiding principles proposed 进而归纳换乘站布置形式分类,分析了换乘站布置的基本空间关系的换乘特点和选定原则。
Study in a deep going way , the dissertation put forward traffic flow organizing pattern of pcee , including mobile station layout considering the coordination with pcee traffic , and principles and means of pcee intersection traffic flows steering 最后,论述了出入口客货流交通组织的方法,包括汽车站布局与出入口道路协调优化方法以及出入口相关交通节点组织原则和方法。第三部分是论文的实例应用。
In this thesis , the principle , method and steps of highway hub passenger stations layout planning are discussed . the decision of locations and capacities of the stations is analyzed . and the thesis makes a thorough analysis and study on approach of evaluation of layout plan 本文论述了公路枢纽客运站布局规划的原则、方法和步骤,对站场位置和规模的确定进行了分析,并对布局方案评价方法进行了较深入的分析和研究。